Use of Smart Fabrics for Water Purification and Sustainable Solutions
Creativity to Sketching: Art of Fabric Selection in Fashion Design
Textile Characteristics: Exploring High Tensile Strength in Fabrics
Modeling Fashion: Glamour, Diversity, and the Pursuit of Style
Fashion Marketing: Creating Desire in the Ever-Evolving Industry
Fashion Designing Influenced by Cultural Diversity: Celebrating Global Creativity
Embracing Natural Beauty Appeal of Natural Fibers
Geotextiles: Versatile Solution for Infrastructure and Environmental Challenges
Application of Textile Finishing in Fashion and Apparel Industry for Sustainability and Quality
Research Article
Milderung von Passformproblemen bei dehnbaren Jeans für Herren: Untersuchung von Passformproblemen, Abweichungen in der Stoffdehnung und Standardisierung von Blockmustern für eine gleichbleibende Passform