Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel- und Ernährungsstörungen

The Need for Comprehensive Protocols for the Preparation and Quality Control of Thickened Fluids for Individuals with Dysphagia

Sharareh Hekmat and Melodie Tomas

The Need for Comprehensive Protocols for the Preparation and Quality Control of Thickened Fluids for Individuals with Dysphagia

Manufacturer instructions for beverage thickeners have been shown to sometimes produce fluids that do not meet National Dysphagia Diet (NDD) recommendations for nectar- and honey-like viscosities.To demonstrate variances in viscosity between brands of thickener and even variances using the same thickener among different beverages, at different time intervals and temperature.Nectar- and honey-like beverages were prepared using manufacturer directions from three brands with five beverage types. Viscosities were measured at multiple time and temperature intervals and compared to the nectar- and honey-like recommended ranges. Recipes were modified for fluid/time/temperature combinations with various viscosities. Costs using modified recipes were compared to original costs.