Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel- und Ernährungsstörungen

Obesity Increases Your Risk of Severe Illness from Covid19 Risk

Nevin Borzan

Obesity is defined; as chronic and severe disease in developed and developing countries, affecting both adults and children disease. Coincident with the high rates of obesity, the prevalence of other chronic diseases. Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2015, 2.3 billion adults will be overweight (body mass index [BMI] ≥ 25) with 700 million being classified as clinically obese (BMI ≥ 30).Obesity has been linked to numerous health problems and chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, certain cancers, and cardiovascular diseases.Obesity has been further projected that 60% of the world’s population, 3.3 billion people, could be overweight or obese by 2030 if recent trends continue.The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019.There are many factors that increase the risk of severe ilnesses from Covid 19. Some chronic diseases, lowing immünity and obesity increase your risk.Obesity has been well established as a risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality; however, its effects on susceptibility to infectionare just beginning to be understood. In the hospital setting, obese patients are more likely to have secondary infections and complications develop, such as sepsis, pneumonia, bacteremia, and wound and catheter- related infections. Patients with increased BMI and adiposity also present a higher incidence of surgical site infections, which have been associated with increased risk of other wound complications, increased length of stay, and increased risk of death. Obesity also negatively affects pulmonary function and BMI has been correlated to increased susceptibility to community-related respiratory tract infections .According to some of researchers; higher BMI( >30 ) increases your risk of severe illnesses from Covid 19. The blood of people with obesity has an increased tendency to clot an especially grave risk during an infection that, when severe, independently peppers the small vessels of the lungs with clots. Because; the virus injures endothelial cells, which respond to the insult by activating the coagulation system. Immunity also weakens in people with obesity, in part because fat cells infiltrate the organs where immune cells are produced and stored, such as the spleen, bone marrow, and thymus, says Catherine Andersen, a nutritional scientist at Fairfield University. “We are losing immune tissue in exchange for adipose tissue, making the immune system less effective in either protecting the body from pathogens or responding to a vaccine,” she says. Finally; obesity that defined chronic ilness increases your risk of severe ilnesses from Covid 19.Patients that with obesity has lowing immune system. Some of studies show that risk of Covid 19 increase wirth Body Mass Index(BMI).