Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel- und Ernährungsstörungen

Acknowledgement for the Authors and Reviewers

Sophia Melena

Above all, in the interest of the entire publication board and the publisher, I extend sincere gratitude to all writers and reviewers of the Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorder (JFND). We were able to make JFND a spectacular achievement thanks to the writers’ andreviewers’ little co-activity, excitement, and soul. The authors have been a true inspiration and have helped to establish JFND as one of the premier journals for publication in the field of Food. I am grateful to them all for considering and trusting JFND as a venue for publishing their important work. I also like to thank all of the authors for their thoughtful cooperation throughout the various stages of the articles’ processing in JFND. Reviewers are an essential component of any journal’s success, and they deserve our sincere gratitude. When determining the appropriateness of an article for inclusion in JFND, itrelies on the efforts and compassion of reviewers.