Zeitschrift für Wirbelsäulen- und Neurochirurgie

Abstrakt 2, Volumen 5 (2013)

Research Article

Is Weight Loss Superior to CSF Diversion in the Treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?

  • Ameya S Kamat, Ales F Aliashkevich and Agadha Wickremesekera


Entrapment of the Inferior Calcaneal Nerve as a Result of a Trauma (Baxter’s Neuropathy)

  • Homajoun Maslehaty, Rashad El Habony, Athanasios K Petridis, Dugajin Morina and Martin Scholz

Research Article

Success Determination of Lumbar Drainage in Cranial Traumatic CSF Fistula

  • Nabeel Chaudhary, Liaqat Mahmood Awan, Azam Niaz and Anjum Habib Vohra