Zeitschrift für Wirbelsäulen- und Neurochirurgie

Spinal Waterway of Vertebral Segment

Berend E Westerhof

The vertebral segment, otherwise called the spine is essential for the hub skeleton. The vertebral section is the characterizing normal for a vertebrate in which the notochord (an adaptable pole of uniform arrangement) found in all chordates has been supplanted by a divided series of bone: vertebrae isolated by intervertebral circles. The vertebral segment houses the spinal waterway, a hole that encases and ensures the spinal rope. The quantity of vertebrae in a locale can differ however in general the number remaining parts as before. In a human's vertebral segment, there are regularly 33 vertebrae. The upper 24 presacral vertebrae are articulating and isolated from one another by intervertebral plates, and the lower nine are intertwined in grown-ups, five in the sacrum and four in the coccyx, or tailbone.