Zeitschrift für Wirbelsäulen- und Neurochirurgie

Spinal Ischemia Secondary to Central Spine Thoracic Hernia

Caroline Figueiredo da Silva, Caroline Louise Machado, Heloisa da Silva Schafaschek, Andre Possamai, Michael Ricardo Lang, Julio Cesar de Aguiar Junior and Marcus Vinícius Magno Gonçalves

The thoracic spinal cord is most vulnerable to compression due to the space restriction between the spine and the thoracic spinal canal, and progressive neurological deficit is common. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows for the diagnosis of vascular diseases, given that the presence of neurological deficit involves other differential diagnoses. This case study’s main goal is to report a case about spinal infarct with surgical procedure of spinal decompression and bring a brief overview of current literature.

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