Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Hotelmanagement

Socio-Economic empowerment of women through choice-based family planning

Sanjay Suman, Senior Manager, Global Health Strategies

We all dream of a utopian world, where every individual is educated and empowered. Where poverty and malnourishment are in the distant past and where men and women are treated equally. Sadly, all of this is still a dream, far from reality. Today, India stands as the second most populous country in the world, set to surpass China as the ‘most populous country’ by 2027 . Although India can boast of the world’s largest young workforce and the economic growth potential therein, the population related problems are daunting. Despite declines in the total fertility rates of India, the vicious cycle of poverty and inequality continue. To break this vicious cycle, socio-economic empowerment of women through choice-based family planning and spacing play pivotal roles.