Zeitschrift für Regenerative Medizin

Suspended Life - Stem Cells: Are Treatments Possible?

Dario Siniscalco

Suspended Life - Stem Cells: Are Treatments Possible?

The aim of this meeting, organized by the Italian no-profit associations Stampa Rossoblù, Sicilia Risvegli Onlus, Niemann Pick Onlus, Omphalos, Organizzazione Sindrome di Angelman (Or.S.A.), Cancellautismo, Marco e Andrea Tremante Foundation, was to confer regarding today’s state-of-the-art and novel findings on stem cell research and applications in Italy. The meeting was held in the city of Grottammare – Ascoli Piceno County, under the auspices of Luigi Merlo, the Major of the city, and Piero Celani, the County President.