The study of disease transmission is the examination and investigation of the dissemination (who, when, and where) and determinants of wellbeing and illness conditions. Endeavoring to work out why certain individuals are getting sick. It is the foundation of general wellbeing, and shapes approach choices and proof based practice by recognizing hazard factors for illness and focuses for preventive medicinal services. Disease transmission experts help with ponder plan, gathering, and factual examination of information, correct understanding and spread of results (counting peer survey and incidental orderly audit). The study of disease transmission has created technique utilized as a part of clinical research, general wellbeing contemplates, and, to a lesser degree, essential research in the natural sciences. Significant territories of epidemiological examination incorporate malady causation, transmission, episode examination, ailment observation, legal the study of disease transmission, word related the study of disease transmission, screening, biomonitoring, and correlations of treatment impacts, for example, in clinical trials. Disease transmission experts depend on other logical orders like science to better comprehend sickness forms, insights to make effective utilization of the information and make proper determinations, sociologies to better comprehend proximate and distal causes, and building for introduction evaluation.