Infektionskrankheiten: Prävention und Kontrolle

About the Journal

Infektionskrankheiten: Prävention und Kontrolle (IDPC) is a scholarly peer-reviewed academic journal that provides an opportunity to researchers and scientists to explore and publish the basic, advanced and latest research developments in the field of infectious diseases and therapies as interventions, including vaccines and devices. The journal receives submissions from all over the world and appeals to a global audience. Articles published in Infection, prevention and control assists readers in understanding important medical advances.

The pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and parasites are the major cause for the infectious diseases which can spread easily from one person to other. The major infections are AIDs, Influenza, Measles, Pneumonia, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral hepatitis, Primary Bloodstream Infections and Urinary Tract Infections etc. which causes major health consequences over the world.

Infektionskrankheiten: Prävention und Kontrolle focuses on the following areas, but not limited to:
• Infection
• Primary and Secondary Infection
• Subclinical and Clinical Infection
• Viral Infection
• Bacterial Infection
• Intracranial Abscesses
• Immunological Science
• Microbiology
• Pathology
• Epidemiology
• Human Physiology
• Immunotherapy
• Vaccine
• Antibiotics
• Antivirals
• Drug Therapies

Infektionskrankheiten: Prävention und Kontrolle provides a rapid editorial procedure and a rigorous peer-review system. To maintain high quality, Articles submitted by authors are assayed by Editors and a group of peer review experts in the field, so that the data they contain is accurate, reliable, and beneficial to the scientific community.

Infection is a condition in which there is an invasion of foreign material or organisms in the body tissues and spread various diseases. Mainly these diseases are transmissible or communicable diseases. Some of the infection causing agents is virus, bacteria, nematodes and prions.

Journals related to Infection
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, Journal of Infection and Public Health, International Journal of Infection.

Primary Infection and Secondary Infection
A primary infection is the root of an infection which can be easily viewed or treated if detected on time whereas a Secondary infection is the complicated stage of the root cause of infection. For example infections caused by deep burns which have access to deep tissues are secondary infections, but primary infections such as Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Journals related to Primary Infection and Secondary Infection
International Journal of Infection, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Journal of Infection.

Subclinical and Clinical Infections
Clinical infections are the symptomatic infections which produce symptoms which can be detected or noticed, whereas Subclinical infections do not produce any noticeable symptoms also known as silent or occult infection.

Journals related to Clinical and Subclinical Infection
Infection and Immunity, Hospital Infection Control, Infection, Disease and Health, Microbes and Infection, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Epidemiology & Infection, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Viral Infections
Viruses are the genetic material with a protein coating over them and they can cause common infectious disease such as flu, common cold but they are also susceptible to severe infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Ebola.

Journals related to Viral Infections Infection
Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Journal of Infection, African Journal of Infectious Diseases, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Pathogenic microbes are microscopic organisms that can cause disease. This article manages human pathogenic microorganisms. Albeit most microscopic organisms are safe or regularly advantageous, some are pathogenic, with the quantity of species assessed as less than 100 that are believed to cause irresistible illnesses in humans. By differentiate, a few thousand species exist in the human stomach related framework

Intracranial Abscesses
Intracranial Abscesses (or cerebral abscess) is a severe and rare infectious disease. Intracranial Abscesses can be caused by inflammation or collection of infected material, coming from ear infection, dental abscess, infection of Paranasal or remote (lung, heart, kidney etc.) infectious sources, within the brain tissue. It may occur at any age but is most frequent in the third decade of life.

Journals related to Intracranial Abscesses
Disease and Health, Microbes and Infection, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, African Journal of Infectious Diseases, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection.

Immunological Sciences
Immunological science is a branch of medicinal biology that is involved in treating a disease or disorder commonly known as Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is widely used in treating cancers or auto immune diseases with the help of immunosuppressant.

Journals related to Immunological Sciences
Canadian Journal of Infection Control, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, International Journal for Parasitology, International Journal of Medical Microbiology, the Journal of Hospital Infection, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection.

Microbiology is the branch of biological sciences that involved in the study of microorganisms. It covers the multicellular, unicellular, and acellular organisms. Microorganisms are those organisms which are not visible to naked eye. Microbiology is divided into subcategories such as bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and mycology.

Journals related to Microbiology
Infection and Immunity, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Clinical Infectious Diseases, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, Infection and Drug Resistance, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, African Journal of Infectious Diseases.

The term pathology is the study of the nature of a disease, its structural and functional components and various metabolic changes produced by them. Millions of pathogen tests were performed by pathologists every year in a country for the detection of diseases that it can be treated properly.

Journals related to Pathology
Epidemiology & Infection, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Canadian Journal of Infection Control (CJIC), Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Journal of Infection.

Epidemiological science is the study and evaluation of various causes, effects and different patterns of illness and diseased conditions in defined number of population. Epidemiology helps to develop various statical analysis and methodology used to interpret and dissemination of clinical research and public health studies.

Journals related to Epidemiology
Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection Prevention, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection Prevention, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases.

Immunotherapy, also known as biological therapy, is way or method of treating cancer that energize the human body’s defense system to fight against the antigens or the cancer cells. Various types of immunotherapy treatment are T-cell therapy, Oncolytic virus therapy, cancer vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, Non-specific immunotherapies.

Journals related to Immunotherapy
International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection Prevention, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, Infection and Immunity, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Human Physiology
Human physiology is the branch of medical science which studies the various vital functions performed by the human body. In simple words physiology is the working or the human body. Human physiology covers Pathophysiology, Cell physiology, Special physiology, and Systemic physiology.

Journals related to Human Physiology
A Journal of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, Journal of Infection and Public Health, Journal of Infection Prevention, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance.

Antibiotics are the agents used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and infections caused by them. These agents used in prevention and treatment against bacterial infections and some of them also show antiprotozoal activity also.

Journals related to Antibiotics
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Epidemiology & Infection, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, A Journal of Infectious Diseases , Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Current Opinion in Microbiology, Trends in Parasitology.

Antiviral agents or drugs are the group of medication used in the treatment and prevention of viral infection. These agents inhibit the growth and development of the pathogens as antimicrobial agents kill the microorganism.

Journals related to Antiviral
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, the Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, the Journal of Hospital Infection, Clinical Infectious Diseases.

A vaccine may be defined as a preparation that is used to provide acquired immunity for a particular disease. Basically a vaccine in an inactive form of microorganism which is used to trigger body’s immune system to develop antibodies against the specific microorganism. So that the specific microorganism easily recognized and destroyed before it harms the body.

Journals related to Vaccine
Journal of Clinical Virology, Infection Control, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Drug Therapies
Drug therapies are the therapies in which various chemicals and drug combinations were used for the treatment of a particular or group of diseases by various methods of administration. Drug therapies are very useful in a number of medical illness but they have side effects too mainly by interaction with each other or other substance present in the system.

Journals related to Drug Therapies
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, Infection and Drug Resistance, International Journal of Infection, Journal of Infection and Public Health, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection, Reviews in Medical Virology.

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