Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie und Pathologie

Abstrakt 6, Volumen 5 (2018)

Review Article

Locoweed Endophytes: A Review

  • Clement Nzabanita, Hui Liu, Shi Min, Ma Ting-yan and Yan-Zhong Li

Research Article

Contribution to the Identification of Toxic Vascular Plants by the Epidermis of the Epicarp of Fleshy Fruits

  • Gonçalo Ferreira, Eduarda Silva and António Pereira Coutinho

Research Article

Disease Progression and Productivity of Melon Plants with Different Cultural Management Techniques

  • Mateus Sunti Dalcin, Paulo Henrique Tschoeke, Dalmarcia de Souza Carlos Mourão, Pedro Raymundo Argüelles Osorio, Raimundo Wagner de Sousa Aguiar, Alex Sander Rodrigues Cangussu and Gil Rodrigues dos Santos