VEGETOS: Eine internationale Zeitschrift für Pflanzenforschung

Stability Analysis and Genotype X Environment Interaction of Some Tomato Hybrids under Kashmir conditions

Ummyiah H.M, Nayeema Jabeen, Baseerat Afroza and Faheema Mushtaq

Stability Analysis and Genotype X Environment Interaction of Some Tomato Hybrids under Kashmir conditions

Field experiments were carried out to evaluate seventeen hybrids of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) for their stability at three locations in Kashmir valley during kharif 2011 and 2012. Significant differences were observed among all the hybrids for eight quantitative characters. The pooled analysis of variance for stability of hybrids for the quantitative traits revealed significant differences among the genotypes and environments for all the traits studied. The interaction component genotype × environment was also significant for all the traits. The hybrids stable for yield and most of the traits were TO-687, Indam-531, Rambo, PS-255, Maharaja and Swaraj -1516. This implied that these hybrids contributed less to the genotype x environment interaction. Therefore, the hybrids TO-687, Indam-531, Rambo, PS-255, Maharaja and Swaraj-1516 have been recommended.