Zeitschrift für Suchtverhalten, Therapie und Rehabilitation

Zolpidem Abuse in a Patient with Breathing Pattern Disorder

Konstantinos Kontoangelos, Marina Economou and Charalambos C Papageorgiou

Introduction: Zolpidem is a nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic agent which binds selectively to the benzodiazepine ω1-receptor subtype in the central nervous system.

Case Presentation: This is case of 56-year old woman suffering from Breathing Pattern Disorder. Her symptoms of insomnia as well as her craving for anxiolytic effect of zolpidem, that helped her to cope with everyday activities, transformed her into a zolpidem abuser. The patient discontinued zolpidem use and respiratory function improved. Treatment with antidepressant improved her psychosocial state.

Discussion: Zolpidem is an interesting alternative to benzodiazepines in the treatment of insomnia under a range of cautious medical supervision and prescription.