Zeitschrift für Suchtverhalten, Therapie und Rehabilitation

Spontaneity and Creativity in Collaborative Therapy Towards More Preferred Therapeutic Outcomes

Luuk L Westerhof

The article focuses on spontaneity and creativity as important parts of collaborate respectful-togetherness and, as a way towards more preferred therapeutic outcomes. At its very core, the flow of conversational collaborative respectful-togetherness should be spontaneous, forever pursuing obtainable possibilities. Being together in conversation in therapy, has in many ways become polluted and disturbed. By “wrapping-inn” the therapy process into rigid protocols and formulas as to how therapy should be done is robbing the conversational collaborative togetherness from spontaneity and its powerful creative potential as a prerequisite for creative collaboration. The collaborative therapist should aim at setting up a relationship with the client characterized by positive unrestricted and unconditional regard, for spontaneity as a prerequisite for creative conversational collaborative togetherness.