Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik


Jessica Williams

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the field of electrical engineering and electronics that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of electrical engineering and electronics and making them accessible online freely without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology focuses on the topics include, but are not restricted to: Microelectronics, Electrical technologies, Renewable Energy, Electrical circuits, Audio and video technology, Wireless sensors, Nano electronics, Electrostatics, Signal processing, Digital appliances, Communication systems, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Radio Communication, Power systems, Embedded systems, Semiconductor devices, Analogue circuits, Microwave techniques, Sensors, Robotics, Automotive electronics, Electromagnetic systems, Industrial electronics, VLSI, Optoelectronics.