Klinische Onkologie: Fallberichte

Abstrakt 3, Volumen 2 (2020)


Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Liver

  • Paul Guzik*, Andrew Gdowski, Christopher Kim, Amanda Rivera-Begeman, Hannah Kay, Declan Fleming and Gail Eckhardt (USA)  


Unusual Sanctuary Site (Central Nervous System) Metastases in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Patients

  • Amanda Parkes*, Filip Janku, Shubham Pant and Neeta Somaiah (USA)


Metachronous Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTS) or Relapse of the Primary Tumor? A Challenging Case of Multiple GISTS in an Elderly Patient

  • Guerrera LP, Diana A*, Franzese E, Carlino F, Perrone A, Centonze S, Ronchi A, Ruggiero R, Parisi S, Lucido FS, Alfano R, Ciardiello F, Orditura M and Docimo L (Italy)