Zeitschrift für klinische und experimentelle Onkologie

Chemoradiotherapy In Locally Invasive Parathyroid Cancer

Sema Yilmaz Rakici, Cemil Bilir, Gülnihal Tufan and ZihniAcar Yazici

Parathyroid cancers (PTC) are very rare and have a poor prognosis. A 48 year old case with locally invasive PTC that was positive for close surgical removal margin was treated with chemo radiotherapy after surgery. Even though this required bimodal chemo and radio adjuvant therapy, the patient was treated by chemo radiotherapy with some modifications, including oral administration of capestabine. These treatments were well tolerated with minimal side effects, which have proven to be very effective in freeing the patient from the invasive tumor for the following twenty six months of monitoring. This treatment method could be adopted in place of the widely preferred surgical therapy. We believe that this case report will guide future studies concerning with similar cases.