Zeitschrift für Chirurgie und klinische Praxis

Acute coronary syndrome: young patients tend to delay call for help. Observational retrospective study

Ahmed Ayuna

Early diagnosis and treatment of ACS can reduce the chance of complications and death. Delay calling for help can increase morbidity and mortality. Method: Single-centre observational retrospective study. Patients’ admissions identified using data from local Myocardial Ischemia National Audit Project (MINAP) over a period of 30 months. 1603 patients were involved (919 male, 684 female) (mean age 70.4, mode 77 years). They were classified into nine different age groups (18-20 years, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59,
60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-102). Participants were admitted to the hospital, diagnosed and treated for STEMI, and NSTE-ACS. Time from symptoms onset to imply help was collected in minutes. Results: Men and ladies in their 50s and 40s respectively tend to delay their need help from symptoms onset. For the previous it had been 590 min on the average, range 23029 min, median 102 and mode 25, whereas for the latter it had been 1084 min, median 277, and range of 7230. Additionally those groups tend to own longer time delay between symptoms onset and arrival to hospital. Among deaths, it's observed that death is proportional to the time delay. Conclusion: time of life group of both genders tend to delay their concern help after they experience symptoms of ACS; moreover, no matter the age, the longer the delay, the upper the death rate. Phase 2 of our study will include distributing questionnaires to any or all patients admitted to the hospital with acute coronary syndrome particularly this people to seek out the rationale behind this delay.Dr Ayuna could be a cardiology registrar in Salford Royal NHS foundation trust, UK, he's interested in inferential cardiology, and he completed PGDip, MSc and MD in cardiology.
Pre-hospital delays in patients experiencing acute coronary syndromes (ACS) remain unacceptably long.To look at simultaneously a good range of clinical, sociodemographic and situational factors related to total pre-hospital delay and its two components. Pre-hospital delay data were collected from 228 patients with ACS using patient's medical notes and semi-structured interviews. Total pre-hospital delay (symptom onset to hospital admission) was divided into 2 components: decision time (symptomonset to need medical help), and home-to-hospital delay (call for help to hospital admission). Shorter total pre-hospital delays and decision times were related to ST segment infarction (STEMI), recognizing symptoms as cardiac in origin, being married, symptom onset outside the house and therefore the presence of a bystander. Shorter home-to-hospital delays were more likely among younger patients, those experiencing an STEMI, and patients reporting a greater number of symptoms. Initial contact with emergency medical services was associated with shorter total delays and decision times. Various factors were related to shorter times within the 2 component phases. Greater understanding of the factors impacting on the component phases may help target interventions more effectively and reduce pre-hospital delays.

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