Zeitschrift für Biodiversitätsmanagement und Forstwirtschaft

Woody Species Richness, Use Diversity and Management in Agroforestry Practices: The Case of Assosa District Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia

Eguale Tadesse Kifle and Zebene Asfaw

Natural resource depletion particularly forests is the major problem to be addressed in Assosa district. Hence, this study is intended to identify agroforestry types, species richness, use diversity and management of the woody species. Woody species inventory, key informant discussions and questionnaire survey were employed to assess the problem. The findings of the study identified 4 agroforestry practices namely homrgardens, parklands, alley cropping and on-farm boundary of which only homegardens and parklands were dominant. A total of 57 woody species were found from both homegardens and parklands. Homegardens and parklands had 21 species in common. Household respondents and key informants identified, provision of food, fodder, shade, firewood, income and improvement of soil fertility as use diversity; fencing, coppicing, pollarding, pruning, cultural pest/disease control and slant-cut of mango trees as management types and land tenure insecurity, prevalence of pests/diseases, scarcity of water and less survival of seedlings as the major woody species management problems. Therefore, land certification, water resource development, integrated pest management, training of farmers and further research on the cultural management practices are key recommendations for further development of agroforestry in the study area.