Archiv für klinische Pathologie

Role of Mobile Applications in Diabetes Therapy

Lusy Noviani*, Ajeng Diantini and Anas Subarnas

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing year to year, despitevarious attempts to reduce prevalence have been made. The role of Professional Health Teams (PHTs) is critical to manage diabetes progression. Advances in technology such as Mobile Applications (MA) have provided new opportunities to support the success of diabetes treatment. This article aims to provide critical analysis of the challenges that are not fully fulfilled and highlights directives for future research that can enhance the implementation of MA in diabetes management. Each study appears to have different features in design MA, affecting the results varied in the 15 studies reviewed. Mobile technology based applications demonstrated their role in improving communication, being accessible, facilitating self-management processes, improving compliance with treatment, and ultimately improving blood sugar control. The role of PHTs is important for the successful implementation of the fast-developing sensorand transfer app in the medical sector. It is the role of PHTs to select adequate devices, apply them, and earnestly analyse their effectiveness and economic feasibility.