Zeitschrift für Biodiversitätsmanagement und Forstwirtschaft

Abundance and Distribution of Heterostigmatic Mites Tarsonemus sp., on Wood-Boring Beetles Recovered from Acacia Xanthophloea in Kenya

Kahuthia-Gathu R, Kirubi Duncan T and Nangalama D

Heterostigmatic mites (Acari) are usually associated with arthropods, especially insects. Studies on heterostigmatic mites associated with beetles found on Acacia xanthophloea was conducted at Thika, Kenyatta University and Mitaboni, Kenya between May 2016 and February 2017. Damaged log samples of fallen A. xanthophloea were collected from the three regions. Ten beetle species found within the log samples were examined for presence of mites. Three mite species were found attached on the body parts of the beetle. The species Tarsonemus sp., Heterotarsonemus sp., Tarsonemidae(Acari: Prostigmata) and Trichouropoda rackae, Trematuridae (Acari: Mesostigmata: Uropodina) were found to be associated with the families Bostrichidae, Histeridae, Staphylinidae, Lyctidae and Cleridae. The recovered Trichouropoda rackae is a new record for Kenya. Mites host species included Sinoxylon ruficorne, S. doliolum, Xylion adustus, Xyloperthodes nitidipennis, Xyloperthella picea, Lyctus sp., and Xylopsocus castanoptera. There was significant difference on the mean number of Tarsonemus sp., attached on the head,
thorax, legs, membraneous wings, abdominal tergite and sternites on S. ruficorne, S. doliolum and X. picea at Kenyatta University and Mitaboni. Higher mean number of Tarsonemus sp., was recorded onthe Hister sp., a predatory beetle of the powderpost beetles in both sites. In Thika significant higher number of Tarsonemus sp., were recorded on the abdominal sternites on Xyloperthodes nitidipennis and no mites were recorded on the abdominal tergites.